What is a Healing Crisis?

The Healing Crisis
. . . or as it is formally known, The Herxheimer Reaction, is characterized by a temporary increase in discomfort during the body’s process of detoxification. It occurs when internal toxins and wastes are being released faster than the body can eliminate them.
Whether you’ve chosen to started a cleansing or a natural health and […]

By |August 25th, 2014|All Holistic Health Posts, Holistic Health Care, Need to Know|Comments Off on What is a Healing Crisis?

Composition of the Human Body

Composition of the Human Body
When you understand the composition of your body, you’ll be able to meet the thresholds of nutrition required to keep it operating efficiently – which is the precise definition of health.

Water is the most abundant nutrient (accounting for roughly 2/3 of body weight) and, by far, the most important because […]

By |August 25th, 2014|All Holistic Health Posts, Bio-Mass, Your Body|Comments Off on Composition of the Human Body

Holistic Treatment or Medical Treatment?

The Difference Between Holistic Treatment and Medical Treatment
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is: “How is holistic treatment with natural medicine different than medicinal treatments?”  It’s a short question that demands a big answer.
Medical Treatments
The philosophy of Medicine relies on empirical data (tests) to identity a factor that can be destroyed or managed with medication(s) […]

By |August 19th, 2014|All Holistic Health Posts, Holistic Health Care, Holistic vs Traditional Medicine|Comments Off on Holistic Treatment or Medical Treatment?