What is Holistic Health?

What is Holistic Health?

The Human Body is A Marvel of Creation!

The Human Body is:

And, the Human Body is:

Predictable Patterns
When someone experiences the discomfort and inconvenience with their health
… they have been conditioned to follow a process:

They’ll get something from the drug store
. . . to help to make it go away.
If it persists they will arrange a visit with their doctor
. . . to […]

Holistic Medicine is About Possibilities and Probabilities

Holistic Medicine is
About Possibilities and Probabilities
Over time, people have been conditioned to believe in magic bullets. That’s because magic bullets work for some types of bacterial infections and the occasional inconveniences that are signals that your body is upset by something you’ve done – like taking an aspirin for a headache.
So, people are convinced that […]

By |March 17th, 2015|Holistic Health Care, Treatment Choices|Comments Off on Holistic Medicine is About Possibilities and Probabilities

Epigenetics Disease Runs in the Family

Epigenetics Syndrome Runs in Families
Does certain diseases seem to run in your family?  Maybe it is Epigenetics Modification That Causes Sickness and Disease.

You’ve certainly heard about DNA or genetics. It’s the scientific explanation for traits that are shared with members of your family and other humans. It’s called “The Genome Project”. The project ended in 2003.*
There was […]

By |March 10th, 2015|All Holistic Health Posts|Comments Off on Epigenetics Disease Runs in the Family