Holistic Natural Care & Treatments vs Traditional Medicine

Holistic Treatments/Natural Remedies are Different than Medications

What’s the Difference Between Medications
and Holistic Treatments/Natural Remedies?
Webster’s defines a supplement:
“1. something that compensates for a deficiency or constitutes an addition;
2. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it”

Both prescription medications (including drug-store medicine) and Holistic Treatments/Natural Remedies are supplements – according to Webster’s definition, but the distinctions between medications and […]

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Hormones are the Body’s Messengers

Hormones are the Body’s Messengers.
The body has many different hormones – and glands that produce them!
Glands and hormones have an enormous role to play in the body’s health and well-being.  Understanding these roles is important for those looking to protect, manage and improve their health.

What do hormones do, exactly?

Hormones are the body’s messengers.
Glands […]

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Holistic Natural Medicine

Holistic Health and Healing
with Natural Medicine
Holistic health and healing is loving your body.


For more than 4,000 years – Holistic health and healing, combined with natural medicine has successfully protected people’s health and treated their maladies.
During the past 100 years – Traditional Medicine with prescriptions and or surgeries, has, for better and worse, taken center […]

Treatment, Recovery, Recuperation & Rehabilitation

Treatment & The 3 R’s of Healing
Recovery, Recuperation & Rehabilitation

People believe the treatment will magically fix what ails them. One and done!
Well, they’re wrong!
The single biggest mistake is: believing the treatment will make them healthy – because it won’t!
At best, treatments – natural, prescriptive and/or surgical – will stop the decline, but can’t start or complete […]

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Conventional Medicine

Conventional Medicine

Conventional Medicine:  prescriptions, tests, surgeries and treatments are not always the 1st or best option for protecting or improving your health.
Many people insist that your choice for health care is an either/or proposition between Conventional Medicine and Holistic Medicine.
It’s simply not true! There is a time and place for both approaches – conventional or […]

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Natural Medicine or Traditional Medicine – What’s the Difference?

Natural Medicine or Traditional Medicine?

Many people insist that your choice for healthcare is an either/or proposition between Traditional Medicine and Natural Medicine.
It’s simply not true!  There is a time and place for both approaches – the challenges are:


And then, determining the best plan for your particular healthcare need. learn more »

There is a clear difference between Natural […]

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How to Recover From Sickness and Disease – Holistically

Recovery From Sickness and Disease
An instant – or at least fast – recovery from sickness & disease, or a health complaint, is a common expectation. It’s called the aspirin syndrome -take a pill, headache gone.
That’s a mistake!

The word disease is part of our language. Most people take disease to be a medical term that evokes thoughts of prescriptions […]

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Making Appropriate Health Care Choices

Why Limit Your Health Care Options?
Why do people automatically choose Traditional Medicine instead of an alternative option like my profession – a Natural Health Consultant, Using Holistic Natural Medicine with Practical, Common-sense Strategies & Tactics – when they experience a health issue?
3 words: Faith, Hope and Trust, come to mind.*
It is interesting, too, because I’ve […]

Holistic Treatment or Medical Treatment?

The Difference Between Holistic Treatment and Medical Treatment
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is: “How is holistic treatment with natural medicine different than medicinal treatments?”  It’s a short question that demands a big answer.
Medical Treatments
The philosophy of Medicine relies on empirical data (tests) to identity a factor that can be destroyed or managed with medication(s) […]

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Why Choose a Natural Health Consultant?

Why Choose a Natural Health Consultant?

Picture this:

You’re feeling down. Your belly seems perpetually upset.
Your nose is stuffed up and, to top it off, you’re not sleeping well.
You head to your Doctor for — if you’re lucky — a 10-minute chat about what’s ailing you.
Afterwards, the Doctor hands you a prescription, […]