Epigenetics Syndrome Runs in Families

Does certain diseases seem to run in your family?  Maybe it is Epigenetics Modification That Causes Sickness and Disease.

How to resolve epigenetics modifications

You’ve certainly heard about DNA or genetics. It’s the scientific explanation for traits that are shared with members of your family and other humans. It’s called “The Genome Project”. The project ended in 2003.*

There was one problem after the Genome Project ended:  there was lots of “genetic stuff” left over after the genome was identified. Researchers concluded it was the inconsequential “trash”.

New Research Shows
… the Extra Stuff Wasn’t Trash, at All – It’s the Epigenome.

Epi means (in Greek): Above.
Epigenome literally means: Above the Genome.

The Epigenome dynamically responds to the environment by regulating genes.  Epigenetics – above genes.

Epigenetics is the mechanism that allows the body to adapt to: stress, diet, behavior, toxins, and other factors in the environment by regulating genetic expression.


Think of epigenetics like you would a computer:

  1. Genome is the Computer: it has the potential to do the work
  2. Epigenome is the software: it tells the computer what to do and how to do it – depending on the environmental factors and stress, diet, behavior and toxins.

Or you can think about the Epigenome working like your television:

  1. Television Set is the Genome.
  2. Switches that turn on/off the controls Knobs controlling how much or little show up is the Epigenome.
    One set of epigenetic instruction – Methyl Groups – turns genes on and off and the other epigenetic instruction – Histone Groups – control how much.

The unfortunate aspects of these epigenetic modifications are:
Research suggests epigenetics action is a contributing factor in declining health and chronic disease.

Here’s the Good Part:
The Epigenome can turns off the changes it makes as easily as it turns them on – by regulating the environmental factors – stress, diet, behavior and toxin.

DIY or Seek Professional Help

People who are unable to identify, and modify, the environmental factors affecting epigenetic action often seek guidance from a Natural Health Consultant, or other professional, to help them help protect, improve their health.

These professionals can help uncover patterns that contribute to declining or failing health using holistic methods. And then, suggest and help implement a practical plan to support the body’s ability to heal itself. Often the plan involves natural remedies and modest lifestyle changes.

learn more     appointment

PS:  In case you need a refresher about genetics: The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great undertakings of our time. It was an international research effort to sequence and map all of the genes – together known as the genome – of members of our species, Homo sapiens.

Completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us:
1. The ability, for the first time, to read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.
2. And, it explained how carefully orchestrated chemical reactions activate and deactivate parts of the genome at strategic times, and in specific locations, as an organism grows and develops.

References:   http://www.genome.gov/27532724